Saturday, July 29, 2006

Old School Ode

'Risky Business' OR 'tsk,tsk,risk'

I have been busy enough lately that I haven't had much time to post, or even come up with anything up to my usual high comedic standards to for now I'll just post this:

Here is a link to a really fun 'Risk' type game - I was never much of a fan of that game, but I have to admit this little game really is fun, and quite challenging at times. The download from Tucows has no spyware or adware of any kind - I've never had any problems from this one.

Empire XP

Yep, I was realy busy being busy when I thought about this post.....

Thursday, July 20, 2006

promo "oh no"

Oh no, I can't believe I did this..... Among other things lately, I've been working on a promo clip to enter into 'The Office Promo Contest' - the entry deadline is tomorrow and I just now read the contest rules a little more carefully and discovered that I can't use my clip because it contains footage that I didn't personally shoot (groan). Wonderful.

I guess I can now put all of my energy into finishing my soon-to-be-unleashed-onto-the-unsuspecting-world internet meme.....I make the rules on this one!!! (And then I break all the rules!!! )

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Super Sleuth

I've been reading through a hilarious blog lately. This guy is solving all the mysteries of the universe using his "amazing" detective abilities. It really is funny if you keep in mind that he is trying to sound as ridiculous as he comes across. This page is for all mysteries, and this page is for that TV show "Lost."

Also, for anyone who hasn't seen it yet, this Flash Earth site is worth a look-see.

Meanwhile, I'm still working on what is going to be the next big internet meme! (This is a more difficult project than you might think.....)

Sunday, July 16, 2006

A Past That Haunts Me (and you too, now)

As everybody's probably guessed by now, I've run across a bunch of my old pictures, videos and audio files. In order to put off having to use my brain to come up with my usual creative & witty posts I'm reliving (i.e. rehashing) the good ol' days by sharing them with the world.....

This was my final project for the first Photoshop class I ever took. It's a design submission for the college yearbook (reverse not shown because I can't find the entire file). The school didn't officially pick my design as the winner to use the next year or give me credit for giving them any ideas, BUT they almost blatantly used the same format and color scheme on the reverse and the whole 'thought bubble' theme was used throughout the catalog..... I've always held this thought about people stealing my ideas/songs/stories/etc.: Go ahead and steal my stuff if you have to - I can always come up with something just as good again, over and over, but you can't. Of course, these aren't the best examples of something anybody would want to claim they 'borrowed.'

This was one of my Adobe Illustrator assignments. I hated that class and that software, but now of course I realize and can appreciate how amazing Illustrator is. Anyway, even though the darn thing looks pathetic and ridiculous I thought the general idea behind it was kinda cool - the image is made up entirely of flower parts I'd drawn. Hmm, now I can't remember why that was such a brilliant idea.

It's kinda funny looking back at stuff like this now and then. Kinda scary, too, because I haven't progressed much.....

Sunday, July 09, 2006

"Blogger's Paradise" or "Blogger O'Riley"

Here is one of my video projects from a 2003 Multimedia Essentials class. I had a really good idea, but bit off a little more than I could chew so it turned out kinda laughable. (You can easily tell where I've screwed things up) The general idea behind it all probably won't seem humorous to anyone else, as was intended, because the whole script was kind of a joke on all of us in the class. I used campus & classroom footage, public domain graphics and audio, Coolio's "Gangsta's Paradise" & The Who's "Baba O'Riley", AT&T Labs text-to-speech digital voicing, and put it all together with Ulead Visual Studio 7.0.....

When you're done laughing I'd love to hear some feedback on this...

Waiting On A Fiend

Here is a little "movie" I made in 2001/2002. My little doggie isn't alive anymore, so I like alot of my old practice videos just for their sentimental value more than anything. I put this together using Ulead Cool 360, Ulead Visual Studio 4.0, Anvil Studio, Babarosa GIF Animator, and a 20-dollar digital pen-cam. Keep in mind this was done on a pc running Windows Me with 64MB RAM and I hadn't used a computer since I'd quit using my old Commodore VIC-20 back in 1984.....

Critter Cam

Aren't these little guys cute? There was a momma raccoon and 5 little babies at one time, but one or two of the babies have disappeared... That scary-looking monster feeding them by hand is, of course, yours truly.

Friday, July 07, 2006


Yep, I did it again, another best Yahoo! Answer - and this time I wasn't the only answererer.....

My second best! Yippee! life is so full and complete, wouldn't you agree?

Sunday, July 02, 2006

The Ace Of Spades (continued)

My latest rating in Yahoo! Spades...

Once again I'm laying all my cards on the table...I'll have some more interesting posts up later in the week - just kinda busy right now...